Monthly Archives: March 2014

Help! My Husband is Retiring!

Dear Ask My Jackie, I understand that life consists of growth and transitions, but some transitions are overwhelming. I’ve faced marriage, divorce, re-marriage, childbirth, empty nest, and now, the so called “twilight years.” This was supposed to be the reward for persevering the previous transitions and surviving relatively intact. However, last week I had the sensation of being swept up ... Read More »

Understanding and Handling the Corporate Psychopath—A Book Review of “Snakes in Suits”

snakes in suits~.

The term psychopath is part of our common language. Psychopaths make headlines. They are the lead story on the evening news. Books are written about them. Recently, I was watching a CNN broadcast on the Jonestown killings. A survivor was quoted as saying that Jim Jones was a psychopath. No one argued the point. So–criminals, rapists, predators, murderers, and mass ... Read More »