What Does Your Life and the Obama Administration Have in Common?

What Does Your Life and the Obama Administration Have in Common?

The  Obama administration is having a bad week. First the Benghazi hearings, then the IRS scandal, then the DOJ’s secret subpoena.

Repubs want to hang them from the highest tree and are talking impeachment hearings at worst, or at the very least using the controversies to fuel fund-raising efforts.

Come on  folks, they’re just having a bad week. Haven’t you ever had a bad week?

How about the week a co-worker was making me crazy, my mom fell three times and fractured a rib (she had a bad week too!), and I ate something I shouldn’t have and had an allergic reaction? Or my husband who was just recovering from double ear infections and subsequent severe hearing loss and then his back went out and put him in excruciating pain? Or my client whose parents’ divorce was finalized while she was sick with bronchitis, studying for finals, and recovering from a breakup with the guy she thought was the one.

I could go up a level up and talk about the weeks that included a car accident and a broken vertebrae, or the week the baby had a seizure, or when our toddler was attacked by a pit bull. How about the week my dad died? And don’t get me started with the news.

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What do you say we make this one of our mental health mantras? For all of us trying to survive on this stress-filled planet.

So if you’re having a bad week, just remember this mental health mantra and keep in mind, it could be worse — you could be the President!

Sanity  now!


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