What Fascists and Cheating Husbands Have in Common

What Fascists and Cheating Husbands Have in Common

A new client, in for marriage counseling, asked me if there was really right and wrong. “Isn’t it just each person’s opinion?” she asked. Or anyway, that’s what her cheating husband had insisted, she shared. I knew why she was seeking marriage counseling.

“Yes,” I assured her, “there is right and wrong, and it’s not just one person’s opinion.” I said we have cultural mores that we have determined are universal norms.

Later I looked it up and discovered that the term mores was coined by William Graham Sumner, an American sociologist. He coined the term to describe norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance. Furthermore, the values and mores of a society are what we base legislation on. In short, mores “distinquish the difference between right and wrong.” (Wikipedia.) Yes!

Then I got more backup. Dr. Greg Lester, psychologist, author, and personality disorder expert in his seminar on personality disorders shared with us that there is right and wrong, and normal and abnormal. He said, “How can we know what abnormal is unless we know what normal is?” He went on to tell us that everyone is different, and all hearts are different too, but we still can distinguish between a normal heart and an abnormal one.
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And then one more: Richard Maybury, author of the U.S. and World Early Warning Report wrote in the July 2012 issue that fascism’s creed consists of 28 words: “Truth is just a matter of opinion, so right and wrong are just matters of opinion. Power holders should do whatever they think necessary, no exceptions, no limits.”

I’d add that fascism is not just for politics. Power holders in relationships will also try to tell us that there is no right and wrong, no normal or abnormal. And a person who says this would be living outside our cultural mores, thank you very much. I hope this lady’s cheating husband benefits from marriage counseling, but I’m not holding my breath. Fascists don’t make good husbands.

Sanity now!

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